What's up everyone?
2009 is coming to an end and i just wanted to express my greatest gratitude to all of you for your support and encouragement throughout the year!
I have got a lot of shoutouts to make so i am hoping i won't miss any!
- My photographer Brian C@The Fly Squad
- My junior designer Berlize@The Fly Squad
- My junior designer Xavier Siu@The Fly Squad
- Focus Magazine
- HKIE Corps of HK Salvation Army
- Matt 'The Tank' Au
- Alex 'Quiet Storm' Lau@SeeSharp Productions
- Jenny 'Baby J' Tran@The Fly Squad
- Princess Kavi
- Caroline@Melbourne Music Academy
- So Hung Tak
- Steph 'Princess Pop'@Global Gambits
- SR 'Big Fish'@Global Gambits
- Circle Marketing
and many more.......
Next year, 2010, i am not greedy just hoping Fly is going to be bigger than this year.
Once again, thank you so much for your support and it would be great if you could suggest your friends to become fans of Fly Clothing! www.facebook.com/FlyClothing
Happy New Year, wish you a prosperous and joyful year and much love for 2010!
Let me take a bow to you all!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Goodbye my love!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
'Sweat Ya Soul' Towel
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Accessories - 2nd Collection




ButterFly - 'Wings' Earrings

ButterFly - 'Bling Bling' Necklace
To see more pictures of this collection, go to www.facebook.com/FlyClothing
Saturday, December 12, 2009
今天是星期六, 下午大約一兩點, 我步行去新都城吃午餐. 路經學校正門, 當然會望望母校, 回憶一下過去. 至畢業後, 七年來我每次經過呂潤財都會望一望, 從不間斷. 今天亦不例外, 望到現在的籃球隊在籃球場練習, 更加專心地望著他們射籃.
誰不知我邊行邊看, 看到他們不斷在已經拉下了的籃框"入樽", 最後, 籃框倒下了.
我突然間覺得, '有無搞錯呀?' 我在校隊五年以及之後在母校教波都未發生過, 他們究竟知不知道自己在做什麼? 那裡是學校, 不是街場啊! 我很嬲, 我在想應不應該入去了解一下. 我猶疑. 但我當時腦內只有一個想法, '我在呂潤財長大.'
'走左啦, 岩岩行左出門口.'
我走出門口, 大聲叫他們二人.
'我以前讀呢間學校架, 我以前係籃球隊隊長.'
'係呀? 握握手先.'
'做咩呀?' 他有丁點兒驚.
'係呀. 做咩姐?'
'你叫咩名呀?' 我大聲地問.
'你中幾呀? 咩班呀?'
'下...中四, 4E.' '下...整爛個框唔駛記大過呀?' 語帶微笑問.
'根據手冊整爛個框最多都係記小過姐.' 站在旁邊的同學插話.
'好好笑呀?' 我怒目相向那個站在旁邊的同學.
'唔好意思.' 仲要鞠躬.
'你地有咩資格打籃球隊呀?' '點解你要整爛個框呀?'
'阿SIR叫?' 我極之驚訝地叫了出來! '咁得啦, 我同你阿SIR講話你同我講佢叫你拉爛架啦. 你走啦.'
我走進校內, 見到校長在旁邊, 我跟其他籃球隊的同學說,
沒有學生回應, 直到一個學生走過來. '佢上緊籃JA.'
'廢話! 唔通搵把掃把拉落黎咩?'
'上籃? 我親眼睇住佢拉落黎喎!'
'妖, 你講晒啦咁!' 轉身走.
'你咩態度同我講野呀?' '你叫到個框咁樣射波唔得架? 一定要掂到佢架?'
我很氣憤, 很心痛. 為什麼一定要這樣對學校呢? 有沒有考慮到其他同學? 爛了, 其他同學便少一個籃框用. 自己會不會受傷? 會不會令到其他正在練習的球員受傷? 知不知道學校訂一個籃框要多長時間? 自己籃球隊練習會不會受到影響?
1) 為什麼校工沒有提醒?
2) 校長有否及早注意到?
3) 為什麼沒有教練或老師在場?
4) 籃球隊隊長在哪裡?
5) 為什麼那位同學拉下籃框後, 可一走了之?
6) 為什麼他沒有告訴校務處?
7) 為什麼沒有同學叫他留下來?
我們以前每個籃球隊員都要經過嚴格選拔, 所以技術全都很不錯. 更遑論能否拉到籃框! 但同樣事情發生過多少次? 零. 可能現在要打籃球隊比以往容易, 同學都沒有我們那麼重視.
唯一可以肯定的是, 我比他們更愛呂潤財.
'愛東華, 愛母校, 他日成材, 服務社會, 報恩厚'
我不知道他們現在是不是唱同一首校歌, 但我從他們身上看不到這段歌詞.
以上內容及對話絕無誇張, 可問當時在場的其他同學及校長.
誰不知我邊行邊看, 看到他們不斷在已經拉下了的籃框"入樽", 最後, 籃框倒下了.
我突然間覺得, '有無搞錯呀?' 我在校隊五年以及之後在母校教波都未發生過, 他們究竟知不知道自己在做什麼? 那裡是學校, 不是街場啊! 我很嬲, 我在想應不應該入去了解一下. 我猶疑. 但我當時腦內只有一個想法, '我在呂潤財長大.'
'走左啦, 岩岩行左出門口.'
我走出門口, 大聲叫他們二人.
'我以前讀呢間學校架, 我以前係籃球隊隊長.'
'係呀? 握握手先.'
'做咩呀?' 他有丁點兒驚.
'係呀. 做咩姐?'
'你叫咩名呀?' 我大聲地問.
'你中幾呀? 咩班呀?'
'下...中四, 4E.' '下...整爛個框唔駛記大過呀?' 語帶微笑問.
'根據手冊整爛個框最多都係記小過姐.' 站在旁邊的同學插話.
'好好笑呀?' 我怒目相向那個站在旁邊的同學.
'唔好意思.' 仲要鞠躬.
'你地有咩資格打籃球隊呀?' '點解你要整爛個框呀?'
'阿SIR叫?' 我極之驚訝地叫了出來! '咁得啦, 我同你阿SIR講話你同我講佢叫你拉爛架啦. 你走啦.'
我走進校內, 見到校長在旁邊, 我跟其他籃球隊的同學說,
沒有學生回應, 直到一個學生走過來. '佢上緊籃JA.'
'廢話! 唔通搵把掃把拉落黎咩?'
'上籃? 我親眼睇住佢拉落黎喎!'
'妖, 你講晒啦咁!' 轉身走.
'你咩態度同我講野呀?' '你叫到個框咁樣射波唔得架? 一定要掂到佢架?'
我很氣憤, 很心痛. 為什麼一定要這樣對學校呢? 有沒有考慮到其他同學? 爛了, 其他同學便少一個籃框用. 自己會不會受傷? 會不會令到其他正在練習的球員受傷? 知不知道學校訂一個籃框要多長時間? 自己籃球隊練習會不會受到影響?
1) 為什麼校工沒有提醒?
2) 校長有否及早注意到?
3) 為什麼沒有教練或老師在場?
4) 籃球隊隊長在哪裡?
5) 為什麼那位同學拉下籃框後, 可一走了之?
6) 為什麼他沒有告訴校務處?
7) 為什麼沒有同學叫他留下來?
我們以前每個籃球隊員都要經過嚴格選拔, 所以技術全都很不錯. 更遑論能否拉到籃框! 但同樣事情發生過多少次? 零. 可能現在要打籃球隊比以往容易, 同學都沒有我們那麼重視.
唯一可以肯定的是, 我比他們更愛呂潤財.
'愛東華, 愛母校, 他日成材, 服務社會, 報恩厚'
我不知道他們現在是不是唱同一首校歌, 但我從他們身上看不到這段歌詞.
以上內容及對話絕無誇張, 可問當時在場的其他同學及校長.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
'Who Am I?' '我是誰?' 徵文比賽得獎作品(三)
作者: Naty Lee, 香港人, 在澳洲墨爾本一工程公司工作
難道人的一生,就必須要跟隨社會的風氣,由幼稚園、小學、中學,再升間頂尖大學,畢業後出來社會找份好的工作,再儲錢結婚、生仔,努力的工作養家,然後等到仔女大了,便退休。好的話更有機會享兒孫福,可憐的話便會被 “打包”,長眠地下。既然每個人的一生都是這樣的渡過時,那麼,在這個社會裡,真的多我一個唔多,少我一個唔少。
這一刻的你,是否在想︰我也只不過是社會其中的一小個,能成為新聞的機會真的微乎其微。但試想想,因為這些娛樂而出事的,比起因讀好書或成為什麼知名人士的機會,更容易實踐吧!甚至可免經歷一些人生重要的階段,可直到 “打包”的終點站,這班特快列車服務,真的夠精彩和有意義呢!
- 用比喻開頭及作結, 頭尾有序
- 利用諷刺口吻, 從不同角度去寫現今'潮流'
- 最後故意留下伏線, 讓讀者自行思考
難道人的一生,就必須要跟隨社會的風氣,由幼稚園、小學、中學,再升間頂尖大學,畢業後出來社會找份好的工作,再儲錢結婚、生仔,努力的工作養家,然後等到仔女大了,便退休。好的話更有機會享兒孫福,可憐的話便會被 “打包”,長眠地下。既然每個人的一生都是這樣的渡過時,那麼,在這個社會裡,真的多我一個唔多,少我一個唔少。
這一刻的你,是否在想︰我也只不過是社會其中的一小個,能成為新聞的機會真的微乎其微。但試想想,因為這些娛樂而出事的,比起因讀好書或成為什麼知名人士的機會,更容易實踐吧!甚至可免經歷一些人生重要的階段,可直到 “打包”的終點站,這班特快列車服務,真的夠精彩和有意義呢!
- 用比喻開頭及作結, 頭尾有序
- 利用諷刺口吻, 從不同角度去寫現今'潮流'
- 最後故意留下伏線, 讓讀者自行思考
'Who Am I?' '我是誰?' 徵文比賽得獎作品(二)
作者: 梁莉姿, 14歲, 寶血會上智英文書院三年級學生
"自己是誰?" 這個問題一直縈繞腦中。問爸媽,爸媽說,你是我們的孩子。問老師,老師說,你是我的學生。問朋友,朋友說,你是我的朋友。問情人,情人說,你是我的愛。
- 她知道自己的不足之處, 並且坦承分享, 相信她想不斷的進步
- 比同年紀的朋友成熟, 大膽用'這個年頭的孩子'去開段, 評論同輩
- 清楚了解身邊朋友的文化
"自己是誰?" 這個問題一直縈繞腦中。問爸媽,爸媽說,你是我們的孩子。問老師,老師說,你是我的學生。問朋友,朋友說,你是我的朋友。問情人,情人說,你是我的愛。
- 她知道自己的不足之處, 並且坦承分享, 相信她想不斷的進步
- 比同年紀的朋友成熟, 大膽用'這個年頭的孩子'去開段, 評論同輩
- 清楚了解身邊朋友的文化
'Who Am I?' '我是誰?' 徵文比賽得獎作品(一)
Author: J Tran from Australia, currently finishing her MBA at RMIT University.
Let’s begin by rephrasing the question from 'who am I' to who is that girl? She’s a woman with mad thoughts and we shall begin with the various ramblings of a woman lost in a world of words, emotions, dreams and thoughts.
Physically she is not very tall, not overly thin nor overweight, not too dark and not too light, glasses, scars, moderately deaf and not pretty nor cute – but charismatic. She’s overall rather average looking and she compensates this with her quick thinking, witty remarks, and at times outrageously bubbly personality which can quickly turn very dark if crossed, straight posture of confidence and attitude.
She was once told “you compensate your slight physical build with your words and your temper…” It is the one defense mechanism she has to bring down those who look down on her (literally).
This woman grew up in a poor family with a father who to this day is a heavy gambler, a mother who is a “victim” (“the Parents”) and an older brother (“the Brother”) who means the world to her and more. Unfortunately, the Parents continue to live through the Welfare cycle and question “why don't I have money?”
Growing up in what people called “junkie town” in welfare housing (“the Flats”) with people shooting up heroin outside her front door and childhood friends who became dealers, junkies, mothers and thieves was an express ticket to becoming a shifty streetwise junkie, lying in the gutter, in jail, pregnant at 15 years of age and/or dead, but for some strange reason this woman did not go down that path – she chose to walk the other way to prove to her Parents, her Brother, her Teachers, and the World that she could come out a Bigger and Better person from the Flats.
This woman was surrounded by many negative role models at a young age and unfortunately suffered severe depression. It was her life sentence which she still deals with on a daily basis. Every day the black void threatens to suck the life out of this woman. It is unclear when she first cut herself, nor ended in a pool of vomit from swallowing bottles of painkillers. It is obvious though that she intended to harm herself and is reminded daily from the scars left behind. This story however isn’t about this woman’s defeat – she may have lost many battles, but she definitely has not lost the war. What are her thoughts on depression?
It's no joke, nor something that will just go away by building a bridge and getting over it. It can have serious effects on a person’s life, but it cannot be used as an excuse for being spiteful, mean, bitchy, and violent. This woman is aware she has this illness and needs to deal with it rather than use it as an excuse because that’s just taking the easy way out. This woman has learnt to not question why nor has she regretted what has happened in the past, simply because there’s a life lesson in every event, experience and moment.
How did a woman of such mad thoughts, who was willing to jump out of her window from the 9th floor managed to survive all of this and more? Was it sheer luck (or bad luck, however you may see it); inner strength; supportive friends and family; or God? She wonders herself each and every day. Maybe deep down inside she wasn’t ready to lose the war. Maybe she still had so much to give back. Maybe she still cared enough to live out her life sentence. Maybe.
This woman has read many books and immersed herself in the world of others. Here is an extract from two books which rings true for her:
“Getting close to someone, anyone is very, very hard for me. It is easier, safer for me to watch from a distance. Sometimes I feel so lost. I’ve never been able to experience things like normal people; like being held as the sun goes down or feeling safe and ‘carefree’ with (somebody)… A sensation I have yet to experience. So, I watch others and smile for their joy. Sometimes that’s enough. I’ll make eye contact, bow my head in respect, and stroll off feeling a little warmer inside, thinking I would never be able to share moments in time like other couples.
Somehow lately I believe this is the springtime of my life. I’ve worked hard, planted many things, and soon they will blossom and grow before my eyes. I’m still scared, but no longer terrified. I can live with that. In an odd sense, being on the constant mental defensive is a comfort zone of its own. But one day I would like to be a real person. A person who is able to let down his guard and let someone in. Before I die I would like to experience that. I want to shelve my former life’s mistakes. I would like to live in total peace, in every sense of the word.
If I have to remain alone, I will. Above all I know not only can I survive, but I can trust myself. And I feel secure with that premise, as well as knowing I will not cause anyone else anguish.
I still dream of a home - my home: clean and fresh and open… As always, I dream. I always will. I’m trying to give up control, but it’s hard because for so long I was controlled by so many. But maybe if I surrender, I’ll find my answer. I’ll find peace.
Maybe, one day, I’ll have a home. Then maybe one day I can come home… home to you.”- Dave Pelzer
"Sometimes I feel like I’m a pair of eyes and ears, and I’m just trying to stay safe and make sense of what’s happening. I know what to avoid, what to worry about. I’m like those kids who live with gunfire going off around them. I don’t want pain. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to see other people around me die. But I don’t have anything left inside of me to figure out where I fit in or what I want. If I want anything, it’s to know what’s possible to want…" - Jane Elliot
This woman has grown and achieved more than she ever aimed for. She has fallen, risen and learned to live everyday with a new attitude. She laughs more, loves more and lives more. She gives back as much as she can and takes very little. She no longer uses her life sentence as an excuse nor does she blame anyone for the upbringing she has had. She looks back over her shoulders occasionally and no longer cries, but smiles looks up to the sky and thank God for his blessings and the life ahead of her.
She’s frightened of course of what may hold, but this does not stop her from moving forward. She has her mask of strength and when that crumbles, she hopes to have somebody hold her whilst she slowly makes her way up again.
She is a woman with mad thoughts and looks forwards to the day when those thoughts become crystal clear.
Author’s notes: This essay is meant to reflect the thoughts of a mad woman. It is deliberately cluttered and random. No attempt was made to make the essay flow, but just written as the thoughts came.
Why she won?
- great confidence in herself that is much bigger than her physical built
- admirable because she is opened up to public, not afraid to share her 'unfortunate' childhood and experiences
- she knows what she wants based on her past
- she knows herself well along with a very high standard analysis
Let’s begin by rephrasing the question from 'who am I' to who is that girl? She’s a woman with mad thoughts and we shall begin with the various ramblings of a woman lost in a world of words, emotions, dreams and thoughts.
Physically she is not very tall, not overly thin nor overweight, not too dark and not too light, glasses, scars, moderately deaf and not pretty nor cute – but charismatic. She’s overall rather average looking and she compensates this with her quick thinking, witty remarks, and at times outrageously bubbly personality which can quickly turn very dark if crossed, straight posture of confidence and attitude.
She was once told “you compensate your slight physical build with your words and your temper…” It is the one defense mechanism she has to bring down those who look down on her (literally).
This woman grew up in a poor family with a father who to this day is a heavy gambler, a mother who is a “victim” (“the Parents”) and an older brother (“the Brother”) who means the world to her and more. Unfortunately, the Parents continue to live through the Welfare cycle and question “why don't I have money?”
Growing up in what people called “junkie town” in welfare housing (“the Flats”) with people shooting up heroin outside her front door and childhood friends who became dealers, junkies, mothers and thieves was an express ticket to becoming a shifty streetwise junkie, lying in the gutter, in jail, pregnant at 15 years of age and/or dead, but for some strange reason this woman did not go down that path – she chose to walk the other way to prove to her Parents, her Brother, her Teachers, and the World that she could come out a Bigger and Better person from the Flats.
This woman was surrounded by many negative role models at a young age and unfortunately suffered severe depression. It was her life sentence which she still deals with on a daily basis. Every day the black void threatens to suck the life out of this woman. It is unclear when she first cut herself, nor ended in a pool of vomit from swallowing bottles of painkillers. It is obvious though that she intended to harm herself and is reminded daily from the scars left behind. This story however isn’t about this woman’s defeat – she may have lost many battles, but she definitely has not lost the war. What are her thoughts on depression?
It's no joke, nor something that will just go away by building a bridge and getting over it. It can have serious effects on a person’s life, but it cannot be used as an excuse for being spiteful, mean, bitchy, and violent. This woman is aware she has this illness and needs to deal with it rather than use it as an excuse because that’s just taking the easy way out. This woman has learnt to not question why nor has she regretted what has happened in the past, simply because there’s a life lesson in every event, experience and moment.
How did a woman of such mad thoughts, who was willing to jump out of her window from the 9th floor managed to survive all of this and more? Was it sheer luck (or bad luck, however you may see it); inner strength; supportive friends and family; or God? She wonders herself each and every day. Maybe deep down inside she wasn’t ready to lose the war. Maybe she still had so much to give back. Maybe she still cared enough to live out her life sentence. Maybe.
This woman has read many books and immersed herself in the world of others. Here is an extract from two books which rings true for her:
“Getting close to someone, anyone is very, very hard for me. It is easier, safer for me to watch from a distance. Sometimes I feel so lost. I’ve never been able to experience things like normal people; like being held as the sun goes down or feeling safe and ‘carefree’ with (somebody)… A sensation I have yet to experience. So, I watch others and smile for their joy. Sometimes that’s enough. I’ll make eye contact, bow my head in respect, and stroll off feeling a little warmer inside, thinking I would never be able to share moments in time like other couples.
Somehow lately I believe this is the springtime of my life. I’ve worked hard, planted many things, and soon they will blossom and grow before my eyes. I’m still scared, but no longer terrified. I can live with that. In an odd sense, being on the constant mental defensive is a comfort zone of its own. But one day I would like to be a real person. A person who is able to let down his guard and let someone in. Before I die I would like to experience that. I want to shelve my former life’s mistakes. I would like to live in total peace, in every sense of the word.
If I have to remain alone, I will. Above all I know not only can I survive, but I can trust myself. And I feel secure with that premise, as well as knowing I will not cause anyone else anguish.
I still dream of a home - my home: clean and fresh and open… As always, I dream. I always will. I’m trying to give up control, but it’s hard because for so long I was controlled by so many. But maybe if I surrender, I’ll find my answer. I’ll find peace.
Maybe, one day, I’ll have a home. Then maybe one day I can come home… home to you.”- Dave Pelzer
"Sometimes I feel like I’m a pair of eyes and ears, and I’m just trying to stay safe and make sense of what’s happening. I know what to avoid, what to worry about. I’m like those kids who live with gunfire going off around them. I don’t want pain. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to see other people around me die. But I don’t have anything left inside of me to figure out where I fit in or what I want. If I want anything, it’s to know what’s possible to want…" - Jane Elliot
This woman has grown and achieved more than she ever aimed for. She has fallen, risen and learned to live everyday with a new attitude. She laughs more, loves more and lives more. She gives back as much as she can and takes very little. She no longer uses her life sentence as an excuse nor does she blame anyone for the upbringing she has had. She looks back over her shoulders occasionally and no longer cries, but smiles looks up to the sky and thank God for his blessings and the life ahead of her.
She’s frightened of course of what may hold, but this does not stop her from moving forward. She has her mask of strength and when that crumbles, she hopes to have somebody hold her whilst she slowly makes her way up again.
She is a woman with mad thoughts and looks forwards to the day when those thoughts become crystal clear.
Author’s notes: This essay is meant to reflect the thoughts of a mad woman. It is deliberately cluttered and random. No attempt was made to make the essay flow, but just written as the thoughts came.
Why she won?
- great confidence in herself that is much bigger than her physical built
- admirable because she is opened up to public, not afraid to share her 'unfortunate' childhood and experiences
- she knows what she wants based on her past
- she knows herself well along with a very high standard analysis
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I'm Back
So long have my injuries been! Does anyone know how it feels to be sidelined during games and banned from basketball for 3 months?
Harder than keeping a top secret and itchier than getting bit by a mosquito.
Though, just like my girl Baby J encouraged me that 'the injuries can make me stronger and more patient'. She somewhat kept me away from frustration. So remember, there is always good and bad in everything.
After the 'long vacation', i could finally step back on the court and have earned our much deserved silver medals of Wong Tai Sin District Basketball Tournament. But more importantly, we had all enjoyed playing together after such a long time. This is exactly what i wanted for my club.
And then i had re-grouped with some of my former middle school teammates to participate in TWGHs Inter-Alumni Association Basketball Tournament. We have once a powerhouse in our division and district and have won Championships of Kowloon District, 2 times.
It was great to have played and caught up with my old boys, just like the old times.
Since i have 80% recovered from my injuries, i have been playing a lot of ball just to get back in shape and pick up my game. How am i doing now?
I didn't go to anywhere but what i can say now is - I'M BACK!
Harder than keeping a top secret and itchier than getting bit by a mosquito.
Though, just like my girl Baby J encouraged me that 'the injuries can make me stronger and more patient'. She somewhat kept me away from frustration. So remember, there is always good and bad in everything.
After the 'long vacation', i could finally step back on the court and have earned our much deserved silver medals of Wong Tai Sin District Basketball Tournament. But more importantly, we had all enjoyed playing together after such a long time. This is exactly what i wanted for my club.

It was great to have played and caught up with my old boys, just like the old times.

I didn't go to anywhere but what i can say now is - I'M BACK!

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