Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Precious Gifts: Eason - Meet in Beijing + 風雨操場5.12 CD

A friend of mine runs a company (not to be named here) that organizes and produces events such as concerts and fundraisers for artists and corporates. The company just finished Eason Chan's concert in Beijing in great success. My friend explains to me how it got done and showed me the business proposals to the related companies. Man, i was absolutely amazed by their works and definitely broadened my horizon!

Eason - Meet in Beijing T-Shirt
The package is simple yet elegant! I am not a big fan of Eason's but you can't deny that he is an awesome singer! The Izzue sponsored t-shirt design seems to bring out one simple message - i was in Beijing for Eason.

風雨操場5.12 CD 這個CD是為了四川5.12大地震而舉辦的籌款活動. 目的是為了在四川重建中, 可以建築有蓋操場讓小朋友作息及禧戲. 封套上的背影正是李寧他本人! 而那些音符則是金培達的手稿!
封套的另一邊設計也是經過悉心打量的! Sean (設計師)很厲害啊!
負責唱出此歌曲的12位歌手都是現今或曾經對中國體壇舉足輕重的國手級運動員, 包括李寧, 郭晶晶, 李小雙等等.
就連CD的承載器設計都非常精美! 為的都是四川災民!

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